Thursday, May 30, 2013

iPhone 5′s Enhanced Retina Display Will Throw Digi Cams Out of Business

iPhone 5′s Enhanced Retina Display Will Throw Digi Cams Out of Business

The new and improved retina display feature of iPhone 5 has made it a formidable device amongst the league of the rest. The smart phone segment is booming with hot products from HTC and Samsung at this point in time. The entry of a new iPhone variant will certainly turn the cards in favor of Apple. The end users will be able to leverage from the true color and HD quality pictures right on their iPhone devices without any constraints at all. There are strong rumors picking up in the tech market that the new iPhone variant will actually throw digi-cams out of the market considering that with each smart phone release the camera quality gets enhanced.

iPhone 5s Enhanced Retina Display

The likes of Sony, Nikkon and Olympus have already reported declining sales numbers as far as the digi cams and video recorders are concerned. The trend in the segment does not look promising by any standard and the future will witness dwindling sales at rapid pace. The camera brands are offering heavy discounts and supreme offers to the users but they are unable to register profits. Apple seems to know the best ways of tormenting the market power of its competitors and digital cameras will soon be history.

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